Unrivaled Support

  • The Best Products Available:
    Applegate products are second to none.
  • Marketing:
    We provide you with a fully customized, state-of-the-art Marketing Website at no cost to you. We succeed together.
  • Conversions:
    Already purchased someone elses equipment? No Problem. Let us convert you or retrain you on your existing system and make you profitable
  • Our Value Challenge:
    If you think (or a competitor has told you) you can get a better value on foam equipment or foam products - Please, Challenge Us!
  • Expectations:
    We are committed to your success. Our customer service is the life-blood of our team. We strive to establish life-long relationships that extend beyond the bottom line.

What's even better than great products?

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You have questions?  We have answers

Call us anytime at 855-949-2775 or use our confidential Contact Form and we will reply quickly with the information you need.